2003 resolution #29


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Wind power is rapidly expanding as an electrical energy source for the world. Use of wind power can reduce our dependence upon fossil fuels and other more environmentally damaging sources of energy.

The technology of wind power has improved to the point that costs have dropped significantly. Wind power is becoming competitive with more traditional sources of electrical energy. Furthermore, repair of existing, wind-power facilities, and replacement of older equipment with newer, more efficient equipment before developing new sites, has reduced undesirable, environmental impacts.

Wind energy is clean and renewable. Fossil fuels are finite and spew contaminants into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide contributes to global warming; sulfur and other pollutants create acid rain; and mercury levels in fish have led to health warnings.

However, just as with all sources of electrical energy, there are trade offs with the use of wind power. Construction of wind towers and access roads in rough terrain can create erosion hazards. Development of wind power in fragile and sensitive ecosystems can have serious impacts upon critical plant and animal habitats. Birds can be killed by flying into the blades, especially at night during migration. Wind development can visually degrade scenic areas.

However, considering the trade offs, the use of wind power has far fewer negative environmental impacts than the use of fossil fuels.

The Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs strongly recommends the use of wind power as an alternative to fossil fuels in producing electrical energy. Site-specific environmental constraints must be considered as development of wind power proceeds.

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